Top 5 Must-Try Features in the Latest Update of Android Apps

Top 5 Must-Try Features in the Latest Update of Android Apps

Feb 20, 2024
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Android holds a strong position in the mobile app development market. The latest version, Android 10 is now available to every Pixel smartphone user. It comes with different updates ranging from innovative gesture navigation to improved security. Even Google Maps enables users to navigate places without linking Google accounts. So, have you decided to update your Android apps to integrate the must-try features? Find the list of features to streamline your mobile app.


Personalized user experience

Customers like to use apps that provide personalized experiences. From demographic details to geo-location, different factors are considered for app personalization. It is a way to build a mobile app to serve every user’s purpose. For instance, Spotify enables the user to customize the playlist based on their preference. 

Most users like to customize the apps based on their personal needs. Although they are familiar with a particular layout on their mobile app interface, they like to see some essential information organized in the preferred way.

Some app developers consider contextual targeting to deliver personalized experiences. It is a way to find details about the user’s device and geographic location; for instance, a local travel app may display the best restaurants close to the user. Similarly, behavioral targeting is about identifying the user’s behavior for app customization. 

Voice search feature

With the emergence of Cortana and Hey Siri, voice search has become a trend in the modern era. Even Google users want to make a voice search to find the desired information. That is why app developers want to update Android apps by integrating voice search technology. They use Speech Recognition Technology to dictate the voice commands. On the contrary, the Text-to-Speech Synthesizer allows the app to read the text based on a user’s request. But, why do modern users like to use apps with a voice search feature?

  • Voice search is faster than traditional text-based searches. There is no need to type keywords to look for information. 
  • Convenience is another reason for making a voice search. When users cannot use their hands during driving or cooking, this feature is highly useful.
  • Elderly and disabled persons who cannot type the words find the voice search preferable.

Offline mode

The offline mode feature is another game-changer in the mobile app development industry. It ensures uninterrupted access and a seamless user experience. Apps with offline capabilities allow users to check the stored data, work on documents, and use some features without internet connectivity. The offline functionality is also important when the internet connection is unstable. If the content is accessible offline, it helps users to view sensitive data safely. The offline-first approach shows a shift in mobile app design trend. Developers use different ways to store local data-

  • With manual replication, the app user can modify the viewed data in the offline mode.
  • Caching the local data is another option for simple apps.

Thus, apps with offline modes are highly efficient and responsive. They depend less on network factors and provide the best experience. 

Google Maps, Netflix, and several other apps have offline functionalities. 

Community building

The in-app community feature is another important thing allowing users to develop and grow a big community. Community members can share their information and interact with each other asynchronously and directly. Moreover, in-app communities help users share tips, ask questions, and have meaningful conversations. Higher user engagement will result in longer app retention.

If you want to provide better customer service, you may integrate a community feature into your app. Your Android app will provide a dedicated space for relevant discussions. Community members can also provide solutions for common issues. The in-app feature also helps developers show a user-centric attitude. Users may also report bugs in the app using the community feature. It encourages the active participation of users in the discussion.

Fitocracy is a fitness app with community-building features. So, you can also ask your app developer to integrate the feature into your Android mobile app.

Multitasking feature

Premium YouTube users might have experienced the multitasking feature. It means that can play the video in the background while working on other apps in the mobile.

Android mobile apps with the multitasking feature provide this privilege. Users can open more than one app at a time. The main advantages with the feature are-

  • You might have left the app interface although the app is working in the background. You can resume your activity where you have previously paused.
  • When you open another app, the previous one will not close until you have done it manually.


If you have already launched Android apps, you can hire developers to update them with new features. It will help you exceed user expectations and reach your goal successfully. Although the app marketplace is competitive, you can stand out by adding the best features.

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