Web Development: Unleashing the Power of Progressive Web Apps
Web development

Web Development: Unleashing the Power of Progressive Web Apps

Feb 23, 2024
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You interact with several apps and websites every day. While some downloadable apps are for music, others are for news and banking purposes. Play Store and App Store are saturated with lots of apps for different purposes. However, are you familiar with Progressive Web Apps? PWAs have become game-changers, as they provide a highly engaging and seamless user experience. Using the JavaScript library React, web developers can create powerful PWAs. You can hire professional web development experts to launch your PWA.

Indeed, native apps are useful for everyday activities, such as communication. Messenger and other similar apps directly access your OS; so, they act as the native apps. However, a Progressive Web App combines the most exclusive features of the mobile web and mobile app. From offline usage to incredible speed, users can enjoy everything without download.

What are PWAs?

Having a clear definition of the Progressive Web Apps is important before investing in it. It is an app, which uses modern web capabilities to provide users with an app-like experience. PWA developers use CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and other web technologies to develop the application. However, the feel and functionality of PWA are like the native apps. The most common criteria of PWAs are-

  • They run with HTTPS, as it is a secure connection and develops trust with people.
  • They should have a Web App Manifest file containing details about the function and design of the app.
  • There must be a Service Worker, which refers to the scripts running in the background. It lets developers determine the way to manage network requests of PWAs.

Progressive Web Apps- Power architecture and components

  • PWAs come with different architectural patterns and styles. Professional web developers have a solid knowledge of server-side and client-side rendering.
  •  Client-side rendering means JavaScript generates HTML in the browser. There is instant processing of page updates with the click of a user. It provides significant benefits by elevating user experience. On the contrary, server-side rendering is a way to navigate the HTML and URL to describe the page. It is the best approach for SEO due to quicker loading and display of accurate content.
  • Application developers design PWAs with SSR or CSR architectural styles. Sometimes, they combine these styles to provide the best value. So, PWA integration ensures a highly responsive performance for eCommerce platforms.

Let us now talk about major technical PWA components.

  • Some primary components play a role in delivering the best user experiences regardless of the network status and platform. They help developers shape the PWA’s architecture and unlock its powerful potential.


Application Shell

  • This component refers to the JS, CSS, and HTML codes essential to develop the UI. So, it is the major frame of your PWA. When a user opens PWA, the first thing loaded is the application shell. Even there is a quick loading of the interface if you have an offline user. The cached application shell also loads quickly. The most significant advantage is that it facilitates separate loading of the dynamic content. So, though the interface has dynamic content, it loads instantly. The application shell also makes PWA compatible with push notifications.

Service worker

  • The technology lets you manage network requests and notifications while activating the offline mode. Service workers work in the browser’s background. They also provide your app with considerable functionality. A service worker’s lifecycle starts from registration and ends at activation.


  •   Storing the cache is a way to save data used frequently for quick access. It may be temporary data storage in a data center or user’s device. So, when you need the data again, it is accessible from the cache. You do not need to retrieve the data from the main, original source.


What are the advantages of developing PWAs?

A progressive web app provides you with several advantages-

  •    Quick installation– There is no need for having a long, complex installation process, which needs client experience. Smartphone users can easily download the application without going to the Play Store.
  •    Low development costs– PWA developers do not need to create different versions for every type of device. A single PWA manages the requests of every endpoint. The budget for developing PWA is comparatively low. 
  •   Better performance– The best PWA works like an efficient website with an incredible running speed. Another quality refining the user experience is impeccable presentation.
  •     Smooth offline functioning– While websites need internet connection, PWAs can work offline. Users do not always need internet connectivity to access these apps.



A PWA is a comprehensive solution for an app or website to be delivered without distributing it to the app store. There is only a minimal gap between the functionality and ability of a PWA and a native app. Progressive Web Apps can send notifications, work offline, and integrate with the native features of the device.

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